21 tahun Rebel Extravaganza, Satyricon

Rebel Extravaganza adalah album keempat band black metal Norwegia, Satyricon.dirilis September 1999, melalui Moonfog Productions. Satyr memandang Rebel Extravaganza sebagai album yang mewujudkan karakteristik tidak manusiawi dan anti-manusia: "Liriknya sangat misantropis dan saya merasa album itu sendiri cukup dingin dan sinis. Tidak terlalu emosional, lebih tidak bernyawa."

Album ini diangap mengikuti selera pasar industri musik, Frost berpendapat bahwa aspek album ini telah dibesar-besarkan: "Saya tidak mendengar banyak pengaruh industri dalam musik Satyricon ... Saya tahu bahwa beberapa orang menganggap Rebel Extravaganza memiliki banyak kualitas dan pengaruh industri musik, tetapi saya dapat mendengarnya di beberapa tempat, tidak mendominasi album dengan cara apa pun. "

Band berkomentar bahwa black metal "telah sampai pada titik di mana tema romansa dan penghisap darah tampak lebih penting daripada kegelapan dan ekstremitas".

English Version

Satyricon - Rebel Extravaganza is the fourth studio album by Norwegian black metal band Satyricon. It was released September 1999, through Moonfog Productions. Satyr viewed Rebel Extravaganza as an album that embodies both inhuman and anti-human characteristics: "The lyrics are very misanthropic and I feel the album itself is quite cold and cynical. It's not that emotional, it's more lifeless in a way."

While the album incorporates industrial elements, Frost contended that this aspect of the album has been overblown: "I don't hear as much of an industrial influence in Satyricon's music...I know that several people found Rebel Extravaganza to have lots of industrial qualities and influences, but I can hear them in very few places, not dominating the album in any way."

On the album, the band have commented that black metal "had come to a point where romance and bloodsucking seemed more important than darkness and extremity".
