Band Metal Iran ARSAMES Ditangkap, Dihukum 15 Tahun Penjara Karena "Memainkan Musik Setan"

Pemerintah Iran melanjutkan perang melawan musik heavy metal di negara itu, mencoba menyensor band dan memenjarakan mereka karena kejahatan ... "bermain heavy metal".Baru baru ini band death metal yang cukup terkenal dari Iran, Arsames ditangkap.

Awal bulan ini, anggota band Arsames ditangkap. Dokumen resmi penangkapan meraka berbunyi "Band Arsames ditangkap dan didakwa dengan 15 tahun penjara karena menjadi band metal satanic dan menentang pemerintah Islam."

Band ini telah aktif sejak 2002, meskipun memainkan death metal dianggap ilegal di negara ini. Pemerintah mengakui metal sebagai "musik setan", yang tidak diizinkan dimainkan di negara itu. Arsames telah bermain di festival festival seluruh wilayah diluar negara mereka, di tempat-tempat seperti Turki, Dubai dan Armenia. Oh, and by the way, they friggen' shred!

setelah ditangkap, anggota band membayar jaminan dan saat ini aman dan tidak ditahan di penjara, karena mereka menunggu dimulainya persidangan mereka.

Mereka berusaha low profile (menghindari atau tidak menarik banyak perhatian atau publisitas) menjaga agar tidak terjadi masalah lebih lanjut saat ini. Band ini tidak memiliki crowdfunding saat ini, tetapi jika kalian ingin membantu mereka, beli sesuatu di halaman Bandcamp mereka.

Anda dapat mengikuti band ini di Facebook, Instagram dan Youtube.

Band metal Iran lainnya, Confess,  juga ditangkap dan didakwa karena bermain heavy metal. Mereka meninggalkan negaranya dan sedang mengerjakan musik untuk album baru.


Iranian Metal Band ARSAMES Arrested, Sentenced To 15 Years In Prison For "Playing Satanic Music"

The government of Iran is continuing its crusade against heavy metal music in the country, trying to censor bands and imprison them for the crime of… playing heavy metal. The latest band is notable Iranian death metal band Arsames.

Earlier this month, members of the band was arrested. Metal Injection has seen the official document of the arrest which reads "The band Arsames was arrested and charged with 15 years in jail for being in satanic metal band and being against the Islamic government."

The band has been active since 2002, despite playing death metal being considered illegal in the country. The government recognizes metal as "satanic music", which is not allowed to be played in the country. They have played festivals all over the region, in places like like Turkey, Dubai and Armenia. Oh, and by the way, they friggen' shred!

Metal Injection has learned that after being arrested, the band members paid bail and are currently safe and not being held in prison, as they await the start of their trial.

We are working on getting more information and talking to the band. They are trying to keep a low profile to avoid any further trouble at the moment. We are rooting for the band and will you keep you posted on any developments.The band does not have any crowdfunding going at the moment, but if you want to help them out, buy something on their Bandcamp page.

You can follow the band on Facebook, Instagram and Youtube.

We previously chronicled the journey of another Iranian metal band, Confess, who were also arrested and charged for playing heavy metal. They fled the country and are currently working on new music.
