Nikmati Sajian Streaming Album Baru The Dutch Monsters, DISAVOWED

Didirikan lebih dari 25 tahun yang lalu sebagai Nocturnal Silence, Disavowed telah berkarya di scene brutal death di seluruh dunia sejak kemunculan "Perceptive Deception" pada tahun 2001. setelah memiliki pengaruh di seluruh dunia, membawa mereka ke Amerika Utara di salah satu tour Bloodletting North America Tour .

Enam tahun kemudian "Stagnated Existence" dirilis, sebagai salah satu album paling kompleks pada waktu itu dan masih sangat berpengaruh bagi banyak band saat ini. Setelah tur yang diterima dengan sangat baik di Eropa bersama Cannibal Corpse, Disavowed telah bermain di banyak tempat di dunia, termasuk Indonesia.

Rasa haus selama tiga belas tahun akan segera padam, karena kami dengan bangga mengumumkan bahwa Disavowed bergabung dengan Brutal Mind untuk merilis album berikutnya "Revocation of the Fallen".

Tanggal Rilis: 31 Juli 2020

Artwork oleh Jorg de Vos

English Version:
Founded more than 25 years ago as Nocturnal Silence, Disavowed has fed the worldwide brutal scene since the appearance of “Perceptive Deception” in 2001. This album, having had a worldwide influence, brought them to North America on one of the sickest Bloodletting North America tours ever.

Six years later “Stagnated Existence” was unleashed, marked as one of the most complex albums of that time and still highly influential for many bands nowadays. After a very well received tour in Europe with Cannibal Corpse, Disavowed has played numerous places in the world, including Indonesia.

A thirteen year old thirst will soon be quenched, since we are proud to announce that Disavowed is joining forces with Brutal Mind to unleash their next album “Revocation of the Fallen”.

Release Date : 31 July 2020

Artwork by Jorg de Vos
