Pemuja Setan Membunuh Musisi Black Metal di Thailand

Bangkok - Seseorang yang mengaku pemuja setan belum lama ini diduga kuat telah membunuh Avaejee, vokalis dan bassist band black metal Surrender of Divinity karena dianggap kurang satanik di Bangkok, Thailand, demikian menurut Bangkok Post.

Avaejee alias Samong Traisattha, 36 tahun, ditemukan tergeletak tak bernyawa dengan tubuh bersimbah darah di ruang tamu rumahnya setelah ditusuk sebilah belati oleh Prakarn Harnphanbusakorn yang tak lain merupakan penggemar bandnya sendiri.

Kepolisian setempat menemukan belati sepanjang 30 cm serta sebuah ponsel yang tertinggal di TKP, kedua barang tersebut diduga milik sang pembunuh.

Menurut keterangan Jaruvan Surapol, 34 tahun, yang merupakan saksi sekaligus istri Samong kepada polisi, Prakarn pada malam itu datang ke rumah mereka untuk mengambil kaus yang telah disablon serta menenggak minuman keras bersama suaminya. Sekitar sejam kemudian ia beranjak ke kamar tidur bersama anaknya dan setelahnya kembali keluar dan mendapati suaminya telah tewas.

Polisi menduga keduanya terlibat perdebatan sengit yang diakhiri dengan Prakarn menusuk Samong dengan belati tadi. Prakarn sendiri hingga kini buron dan masih dalam pengejaran pihak kepolisian setempat.

Dua hari kemudian muncul klaim melalui sebuah akun Facebook atas nama Maleficent Meditation yang diduga polisi adalah Prakarn sendiri yang menjelaskan tentang peristiwa pembunuhan itu. Pesan tersebut menjelaskan bahwa ia menusuk Samong dengan belati lebih dari 30 kali tanpa menghiraukan teriakan minta ampun darinya.

Prakarn dalam pesan yang ditulisnya juga mengaku bukan penggemar Surrender of Divinity dan menolak jika publik mengaitkannya dengan pembunuhan terhadap orang terkenal lainnya, misalnya seperti penembakan terhadap John Lennon. 

"Saya bermaksud untuk mengakhiri hidup sejak berusia 25 tahun. Karena saya akan mati pada akhirnya, saya ingin mengajak orang-orang yang menodai Satanisme bersama saya. Tapi saya menahan diri membunuh wanita dan anak-anak," tulisnya di akun Facebook tersebut.

"Dalam pandangan saya, saya memiliki lebih banyak rasa hormat bagi para penganut Budha, Kristen dan Muslim daripada mereka yang menyebut diri satanik tapi tidak mengetahui apa-apa tentang hal itu. Jika aku tidak membunuhnya, aku yakin dia akan dibunuh oleh orang lain pula nantinya,” imbuhnya disana.

berikut tulisan asli dari sang pembunuh Maleficent Meditation yg ditranslate ke bahasa inggris


Cause I'm killing it no very much. I had intended to commit suicide (suicide) at the age of 25, which is already a major issue, I would be dead. Drag it would take anyone who introduced the concept of Satanism (Satanism) to stab me with it a body of two bodies in the real Satan, it is stated that Hermes approval. (I am a daily meditation. The breathing meditation 30-60 minutes and focus yourself in front of the mirror for another 30 - 60 minutes), but I can not ignore the killing of women and children. But at least it will not know what the Lord Satan is not a toy that you will have to wait and Hail oncoming lane open each stage without any real faith. If you do not believe in God and not a religion Satan Satan as a Symbol disrespect to the other religions. You guys call themselves otherwise go. No pretensions to call themselves the Satanic concept also insults the Satan that I do not believe what your mother said. I believe this is the most trashy insults ...... Satan is not enough to make me a Satanist religion of the people over there really do not have any other complaint, religion Paros absolute nonsense. Because, in my faith in people Buddhism, Christianity, Islam, the guidelines themselves so strongly, I respect them more than anyone who delude themselves known. 
Themselves as assertive Satanist, but did not know what yet. It's like a stream of them crazy doctor over. And I believe that if I had not committed the murder. Some day your mother was hit by a devout Muslim, Christian or Buddhist people being killed, of course, the whole band. The killing was the first assassination I intend to make some 20-30 bodies, but because the situation is not easy. Police set up checkpoints in full I think I was the one who planned killing situation. I shall be killed as well. And see on the news down wrong. I'm a fan of this band, Surrender Of Divinity I said, at the moment I am not a fan of the concept scum bastard here. And do not take this case compared to John. Lennon also really different to the abyss. Hear the general stream content not mentioned anything is a million times better. And issues of police that the killing was caused by a drunken beer and arguments. I replied that it was not I intend to kill it by then. Prepare a knife hidden inside already soldier before. By the form that took her shirt jackets to paint it. I eat it with beer. This way, I would not even have time to wait when it falls more. And wait for it to be dark. And now the same beer, it's not an argument at all. Another issue that has debauched descent into drug dealers on that involvement. I've never been drug dealing in any way. And I do not have a fan for a long time, since the beginning of 2556 year. 

I was killing Irun stab it with a knife. Some news on the web which I stabbed three wounds, but really I tossed him over 30 times and it does not accidentally cut the throat rear. I stood facing it gouged out a knife and then stabbed in the neck involuntarily go forward without wiping no teeth pierced all wounds and see it struggling, striving, crawling like a dog lifting request life when it says "do not" sound it out, but the wind. with blood spurting out. As it says B
ut I read it over the neck, skull repeatedly. Again and again (Sometimes a knife was pulled out to the skull), I just know that killing someone with a knife, it was enjoyable, emotional excitement rather than using guns so many times. Once done, I was back at the hotel meditation I rented a comfortable fit. Of course, I do not regret the things themselves made. 

Their friends or family, it's probably cursing my curse. Death, but I like this I like it better suited to the mouth. And above all else, Satan shall not toys. Do not believe, believe, do not call myself a Satanist!!!!! I'm not the type of person not old brutal thugs shouting loudly, but still, I have absolutely ruthless cruelty. 

Life after the death of me, I still have nothing to say except I get to live in the land of the demons. And takes after death meditation further. Whether it's a few hundred or few thousand ten straight hair. 

Do not Press Comments Like this status and I just want to clarify the iceberg. Thanks for reading, and until We are not that anyone reading this. Cling to conduct their own path without self-deception. What do you think needs to be done. I'll see if we have the same dimensions, dimension after death 

Hail Satan!!!
